Tuesday, March 17, 2009

China Thoughts

This lady had the coolest hair doo in China!

Try to fit this much stuff on your bike!

Comparing China to Latin America, and possibly due to the fact it's wintertime in China, I am astounded on how there are so many less travelers here. On another note I never dreamt that China was going to have this much pollution. When I go home I have taken a personal goal to try to avoid things produced that are such a burden on the environment. The people here have a big problem with just throwing their trash on the ground and they really like to spit a lot. It really seems a bit overboard to see someone spit on the table in a restaurant and wipe their face with the tablecloth. The other thing that was amazing was how much they smoke here in China. It was nearly everyone and they have no respect for a non smoking sign. China is a different world and there is no such thing as rules when it comes to standing in line. About every time I was in line, someone would cut right in front of me. At first I would just deal with it and then after about a hundred times of it happening, I would just push them aside. As far as the trash goes I really wonder if they even care about seeing it or just don't know better. One of the controversial issues that is going on is the Yangtze River Dam. It is thought that since they backed up the largest river in China and the flow of the river has been slowed up so much that the water will become unable for consumption and soon be the worlds largest sewage pit. It really doesn't help when you watch them all dump anything and everything in their water supply. I really can't over emphasize how bad the pollution is, and although China has all this new and amazing architecture and it's only a few years old, it is in rotting overdrive. I really hope that the world helps China move in the right direction and things change. We could all feel a little guilty for sending our factories to China for cheap labor and also to avoid emissions laws. I really hope all of you all who read this, just think about the things your buying before you buy them.
On a different note China seems to be one giant construction site and if you looking for a life changing even,t go and check it out. I have never seen so many tower cranes and multi-story buildings going up. A fact I read said that, 50% of the worlds concrete is being used in China, 1/3 of the worlds steel and over half of the tower cranes in the world are in China. China will not be the same place that I went to see and the culture is really starting to dissapear. I am really fortunate to see China this day and age and I am curious to see how the future unfolds.


Anonymous said...

I am enjoying these observations far more then South America....thanks for the genuine commentary. LMC

teresa said...

China is a super power and has the resources to help themselves out. They just don't have the disapline to. Heck the US is needing financial help from China. Great pictures btw they look like they are straight out of National Geographic. You new camera is aweseome!