Some faces I don't think I will ever forget. There are times when people really don't want you to take their picture and I have asked so many times and got no for an answer. On the other hand this guy was just as happy as could be that I wanted to take his!
One of my favorite mornings of my whole trip was when I took this photo. The less modern the place you visit the earlier you find yourself in bed. On this morning I got up at 5am and climbed up one of the temples to see the horizon full of temples. I laugh still that I am so adjusted to going to bed every night around 8-8:30 and getting up with the sun.
The people in this country have so little and yet they they are willing to spend the little bit of the money they have on building a new temple. There are so many temples in Myanmar in certain areas you couldn't see all of them in a week.
The locals paint their faces with a mud compound and if you ask them why they say its for protection from the sun. I think they just like the way it looks but I found it interesting.
They are all so friendly yet scared to say the wrong thing too. You really get an eerie feeling when you talk to people and they are too scared to voice their opinion about things. I also heard many of rumors that as you travel in Myanmar they have a lot of spies the watch you and follow the things that you talk about. Out of the countries in S.E. Asia Myanmar left a the biggest impression on me.
1 comment:
I'm sure you weren't hard to spy on. You were probably the biggest person theree!
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