Saturday, February 14, 2009

Life isn't as stable as it seems to be...But it's worth living it!

Moving around China is a whole new can of worms. First of all there is definitely less travelers and not too many understand my caveman conversation skills. When you have stood in line for an hour and a half to get a train ticket to find yourself still with out a ticket cause the lady behind the counter won't take the time to work with you, it is slightly frustrating. For weeks now I thought, "Wow...These people like to stare and smile at me a lot!." After a while someone says to me,"Why are you wearing a green hat? That means that your wife cheats on you." Maybe ignorant of me but I am not buying a new hat because of it's color. I have had 10 smiles a day now because of my green hat and therefore I think that makes it the perfect color. Getting around is much more difficult, but I don't care cause if I end up in the wrong place, I just make the most of where I am and enjoy myself. Since I have been in China I have found myself by myself a lot more then from when I was in Central and South America. Those of you who know me, know I like to talk A LOT. I think this is good for me to close my mouth and open my ears. It's a liberating feeling wandering around a place so foreign, no one being able to understand anything you say, knowing you are all by yourself and as by yourself as you could possibly be in this world. I really feel alive and I am completely comfortable with who I am. Being in my position would scare some people out of their mind and I have a lot of pride that my family has raised me to be such a strong individual. It is at times like this that you really see yourself in a different light and realize how comfortable you are or aren't in your own shoes. So many people come and go in ones life, and at times in life, we are all alone from time to time. I heard a quote that I really like, " Uncertainty is worst, then the worst certainty." We always fear things in life and once we tackle our fears or step way outside our comfort zones, it's not as bad as we thought. I hear from you all back home and by the sounds of it, America is really worried. Things aren't sounding on a real positive note and everyone sounds so stressed. I hope that all of you who read this take a little inspiration as I did. Igor, a friend from Slovenia was one of my favorite people that I have met along my travels. If met him your couldn't help but like the guy. He has the education of a Scholar and the build of brick house. With English as a second language and the patients of a 2 year old, he brought tears to my eyes everyday I spent with him. In his baritone voice this stocky guy would sit in a restaurant and proclaim comments like, "I do not eat beef meat." Out walking around he would say...."Let go out on the bridge that leads into the sea. You know....What is the word for the bridge that leads into the sea?" (Pier?) Anyway Igor had to go home in mid December a few days early because his Grandpa had passed away, and before he left he was making plans to meet back up with me in Nepal. It had been a few weeks since I had chatted with him and my other Slovenian friend indicated to me that Igor was in the Hospital fighting to stay alive. Come to find out, about a month after Igor got home he got an infection in his lung and in turn caused his lung to collapse. He was in a coma for a few days and lucky to survive the incident. A few days later, while still in the hospital he had a stroke at the age of 29 and found himself in a coma for the second time. Currently Igor is struggling to regain control of the whole left side of his body. Although I have had little conversation with the guy, He has a more positive attitude about his situation then most people in America do about the possibility of maybe losing a little bit of their extravagant lifestyle due to an economic downturn. My heart goes out to you my friend and I know you will pull through this! Thank you for the inspiration, the laughs, and good times. It it doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger. If it does kill you, it will make your Mother stronger...and me too. Life is not always stable, but we should all remember to pick and chose our worries in life. If your worried about driving a car that isn't as cool, or losing a little bit of your extravagant lifestyle that we have all come accustom to, step back and look at Igor's positive attitude towards life! On a further note I have also found out that my Grandfather is in the hospital and I am impatiently waiting for news on what is going on!
Uncertainty is definitely worst then the worst certainty!


Anonymous said...

You are becoming a Philosopher...hope your GP is ok.......Lill

Anonymous said...

Hey Luke, Looks like you traveled some miles. So are you the tallest person over there? Go shoot some hoops.

Are you sure you are not married? You might need to research that. There are a few crazy nights in your past that may not be recounted properly.

All kidding aside. Sounds like you doing well and enjoying yourself. What an experience.

All I can say about back here is that the political changes and our governments decisions are not comfortable but we will make it through it. Even if we do not agree with it.

Well stay safe and keep on trucking.

P.S. I will have my twins in my arms in less than 90 days. Talk about uncertainty. I have no idea what this is going to be like. But i know it will be great. I may be a little tired for a while.

Talk at you later.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your friend Igor. I will send you an e-mail now. (Knee-how-ma) I'm certain means "Hi How are you" and Shay-Shay Means "Thank you" ....that's all you really need to know in China....oh yeah and stay to the right on escalators...they have work, work, work to do! I remember "excuse me" was not part of their vocabualry. Have you seen Yao Ming? Oh wait he's here in the US making millions....ok I'll e-mail you now. Kipp-

Anonymous said...

hey man. well sick of hearing about a 'bad econmony', only to go to the mall and see it packed to the gills. People are sheep..and most thrive on bad news for some reason.
Can't wait to have you back home amigo.

Igor..Godspeed bro.


Anonymous said...

Hey Lucas!

I've enjoyed reading your blog ever since I came back from SA (it took SOME time to read though). Anyway, just wanted to tell you that I've visited Igor in the hospital a couple of days ago and wanted you to know that he's doing very well. He's sort of learning to walk again, since he can't really feel his left side of the body, but at least he feel pin, which means he will (eventually) recover. In a few days he'll be transfered to a rehabilitation center. The next time I see him I'll pass on your words of encouragment.
On the side note, I hope you're having no troubles on your journey, meeting new people, making some money in the asian styled casinos :) ... Can't wait to see you here in the summer time, then the fun can really start!

Anonymous said...

Lucas like many have mentioned, love the blog. You are living as many of us wish to. Although most of the time I really appreciate my life, it helps to remember the many gifts that we are blessed with! I am so hoping to hear that Melissa enjoys her time with you. I was so glad to hear she was going to take a real vacation!!! It is so great that you have chosen to live life to it's fullest!!! I hope that Melissa will take alot of that home with her and decide to enjoy a little more of what life has to offer, a little more often!!! I think that your mom had started you both off in the right direction while you were growing up with the adventures she took you on, and you have taken it a step further. I look at your pictures and find myself overjoyed, as I am sure many people do. As everyone should be envious but we are all so proud of you! I know that you are truly taking life by the horns! Just one question while you are in China please find out if they are really becoming canibals?! Tell Melissa I hope she has the time of her life so far and I hope that this encourages her to do more of these types of trips. You never know maybe you both can join us on a tour of Morocco sometime!!!
Dana Kadiri

Sarah Dawn said...

Oh my god! Are you kidding! I am so sorry to hear that, if you talk to him, give him my wishes.

Anonymous said...

Luke, Communication is most important. So I have done some research and translated some basic sayings into Chinese to help you in your travels.

That’s not right - Sum ting wong

Are you Harboring a fugitive- Hu yu hai ding

See me ASAP - Kum hia

Stupid man - Dum fuk

Small horse - Tai ni po ni

Did you go to the beach - Wai yu so tan

I bumped the coffee table - Ai bang mai fa kin ni

I think you need a face lift - Chin tu fat

Its very dark in here - Wai so dim

Is this a tow away zone - No pah king

What are you doing here - Wai yuk um now

Stay out of sight - Lei ying lo

He’s cleaning his automobile - Wa shing ka

Your body odor is offensive -Yu stin ki pu

Awesome - Fa king su pa

Talk at you later GJ

Anonymous said...

Hi Uncle Luke:

How is mom and grandma and I miss you and I can’t wait to see you

Anonymous said...

Where in the world is Luke?

Unknown said...

Luke- Love the blog...loved your thoughts on China...I always found it heard to describe as a talker myself, but it is true I was with my thoughts so much while I was there. What a great way to put it into words
Have fun

Teresa said...

I actually didn't know that about a green hat and I'm Chinese. I agree with you life is all what you make it!