Saturday, March 14, 2009

Guangzhou, China

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity to get my visa for China (In Hong Kong) and making a quick stopover in Macau, my first stop in China was Guangzhou. This is just your standard run of the mill city in China, but I was very impressed on how quickly you could see things changing in China. The infrastructure here was impressive along with some of the architecture. When I was in Peru I bought a tee shirt that had Chinese writing on it and when I arrived someone gave me a hard time for wearing a shirt that said Guangzhou on it. I think I had the coolest Guangzhou shirt in Guangzhou since I got mine in Peru! Outside of touring around the city for a few days which is about all there is to do here, I enjoyed getting up at 7 am to watch the Super bowl on a Monday morning. Have to say I will never forget eating breakfast and watching people drink beer while screaming at the TV as the satellite would cut out every other minute.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Wow! You were able to watch the Superbowl! That's awesome! Sounds like the world is very up on what is going on in the US. I wish I was there with you buddy! I watched the Superbowl in Vegas, not as cool but, fun!