Sunday, June 14, 2009

Agra, India

Mark this one off the list of things to see in my life! What a great place.

This is the Agra fort.

My flights in India before I arrived were scheduled to depart to Europe on the 20th of July and I had anticipated on spending around 50 days in India. My timing for most of my trip as the weather goes has been great but as I looked, I was scheduled to be in India at the absolute worse time to be there. The temperatures were to be high and the monsoon is expected to begin here any day now. Along the way I was thinking that I really wanted to see Egypt and a bit of the mid east on my trip too. I decided within the last week to change my time in India down to 30 days and fly into Europe a bit earlier then I had planned. I figured that I could just explore Eastern Europe a bit or I am thinking I might venture down through Turkey, into Syria, up through Jordan and Israel, and finally head into Egypt. Not sure exactly what my plan is but either way it sounds exciting to me! As far as Agra goes, the Taj Mahal was amazing and the other sites in Agra are almost equally impressive!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about a story to go with the Taj Mahal? Why it was built? Who was it built for? How long did it take? How not updating the kitchen ruins the resale value....etc..I heard to get there you have to practice, practice, practice....oh wait....thats Carnegie Hall....did everyone there want to know if it looked the same? Cause it doesn't....Kipp