Friday, July 3, 2009

Udaipur, India

Udaipur city center

I put this picture here to remind me how many times I needed to wash my feet from stepping in poo in the streets. It's everywhere!

This usually is a lake but as you can see, it's nearly dried up.

The people of India are so unique. Every person you talk to in India is concerned about if your married or not, what you do and they want to know your salary too! India is so in your face and anyone who steps on your toe will not even look back to acknowledge it or even say sorry. The one thing that scares me here more then anything is the traffic. Everybody is in such a hurry that if you don't always keep on your toes, people will run right over you and sometimes motorcycles will fly through the people so fast, and somehow, they move right at the last minute before getting crushed. If you want to ever really worry about the danger of traveling, your major concern should be not to get ran over. I have been bumped into about 5 times now from cars or motorcycles and I laugh when they hit you and then give you a dirty look like you hit them.

1 comment:

shirley said...

hello uncle dan cook would like you to call him... he can recieve text too says he's missing u