Sunday, December 14, 2008

END OF THE ROAD- Urshuia, Argentina

The southern most seal. Around this part of the world you really get the feeling like you are far away from civilization, IT'S GREAT! From here it is less then 700 miles to Antarctica and if it wasn't so expensive I would have gone. Antarctica is definitely on my bucket list.

For 7 months I have thought about how happy I will be when I reach the southern most city in the world. It was like a goal that always seemed so far away. Before I left I remember talking to a friend about how his dream was to go to the southern most city and back, and he was hoping to make it in a month......Ain't going to happen there Juan! For me reaching the southern most tip of South America is a huge goal accomplished. I would like to tell you what the experience was really like but some things just can't be explained in words. The people along the way, the scenery, and realizing a little better how big the world really is just a part of it. As I start to think about my time I have been gone, in my head I try to explain how different I feel about life, but I can't explain how or why. I think about the people back home that I miss and I really thought long and hard about throwing in the towel after South America, but I know this is a rare event that I can keep my promise to myself and actually take a trip around the world. I sometimes struggle with appreciating things as much as I did a little earlier on, and I always said that if I had all the money in the world I would just travel all the time. Everyday for me is Saturday and now that I am on my 220th Saturday, Monday doesn't sound so bad anymore. I would of thought that in 8 months I could of seen everything in Central and South America I would have wanted to see, but I was wrong. I am eager to keep moving on and everyday I remind myself not to forget to appreciate things. Everyday is filled with new people and new experiences and I hope that I have not developed too restless of a sole. I have a lot of pride about my accomplishments so far and I am glad to be headed north again.


Anonymous said...


one of my best friends here is from me when you get a chance tomorrow

Anonymous said... I tell them at my A.A. meetings, "no one likes a quitter". Hang in there!