Monday, May 8, 2023

El Camino Day 11. Hornillos del Camino to Itera de la Viega

As posted yesterday and more or less the days before, I walked another 20 or so miles today.  I’m finding that I’m pacing a little faster than most and I have stopped crossing paths with a lot of the familiar faces I was seeing for a while.  So far I’ve completed 208 miles of the 490 that I set out to do.  The blisters don’t seem to be an issue anymore although my feet are still pretty sore after lugging my 30 pound backpack that far every day.  It’s a test of perseverance getting up early every day to walk until you’re limping the last couple of miles.  Lately I’ve spent the majority of my time walking solo passing mostly non-english speaking travelers.  Additionally, I’m surprised how there are a select few countries that I see the most. The majority of the pilgrims are either Brazilian, French, Korean, Spanish, and Americans. 

The mornings are incredibly peaceful with the birds chirping and the sun warming that crisp/cool air.  It’s a truly great feeling letting your mind wander away as you look at the world go by at 3 miles an hour. It’s all so familiar how we fall into our cycles of life that seem so repetitive and cyclical.  I’m thankful to be here breaking this cycle even though it’s for a short moment in life.  

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